Thursday, November 3, 2011

Spur of the Moment....

I have yet to start work and truthfully, it's killing me. I have enjoyed the break and am grateful for the time off, but I'm kind of over it, which I'm sure I will regret saying in roughly two months when I'm completely overwhelmed with the all the joys of starting a new job. Anyhow, those close to me know I'm getting a little antsy..... I mean our place can only be so clean, I can only bake so much without going up a size in pants, there are only so many times I'm willing to get lost in new city by myself, and I think the people at Target are starting to recognize me.... so I was thrilled when my good friend Jacki (a.k.a. Fancy) called and said she was going to be an hour away at an outlet mall!! Without hesitation and on the spur of the moment I jumped in the car to meet her. It was a quick trip, but in a short amount of time we each found some good finds and had a few laughs. The trip was so quick, I forgot to to take a picture....ooops, next time for sure!! Thanks Fancy for making my day and providing worth while entertainment!!

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