Saturday, March 23, 2013


Okay....I know, I've been terrible. I'm actually really disappointed in myself, because most of our engagement has passed by with minimal blogging. That kind of makes me sad considering being engaged is such a short time in your life, but maybe for the best, because planning a wedding is for the birds. I'm to the point where I'm a little over it and ready for it to be over and just celebrate being married. My favorite things (dress shopping and picking out invitations) have been over since last fall and nothing has seemed as fun as that. Just sayin....

Anyhow, enough about that. Since I had a whole post written up and never added the pictures, I'm going to go through my favorite updates in our life since I left off at the beginning of February!! Here it goes....

We spent Valentine's Day at home loving each other. AK tried to burn the kitchen down in the midst of making a delicious meal....steaks, scallops and mashed potatoes. I brought up the caboose as always and we finished the meal with chocolate heart shaped cookies for desert. We were to bed early though, because the next day we flew to Iowa for a weekend full of fun!!


dinner+vino! favorite part of the meal!!
The day after Vaentine's Day we flew to Iowa for a fast and furious wedding planning weekend. The weekend we were there seriously felt like it ended before it even got went that fast. But while we were home, we finished up our pre-marrital counseling and passed with flying colors! (pheww!!) We celebrated my niece Emma's birthday....she's 10 and fabulous!! And we had just enough time to scoot over to Ankeny and watch Jack play and Dan coach his little dunkers league. The weekend was a success and super fun!!! (now we are in the process of gearing up for Easter in Iowa!)! #timeflies!
pretty good little player!!! headband and all!! :)

high five!!

water break!!!

team huddle. dan did such a good job with all those little boys!!

our little super star!!!

and peeing on the side of the road on the way home!!! definitely all boy!!!

We snuck a few more powder days in at ultimate favorite!!! We were even lucky enough to score a free night at our friend's mountain house. So fun and super duper nice place!!!

bluebird powder days are amazing!!
Next up was our little pup's yearly check up. She behaved wonderfully and received sparkling reviews....healthy as a horse, so playful, so happy and has the most beautiful coat of hair they have ever seen!! If we had a nickel for every time someone has told us that, I'm pretty sure I'd be working part time by now!! :))

being a good girl at the Vet!!!

Next up was my birthday!! We all know I love my birthday, but for some reason this year I was not as hyped about it as I had been in the past. In the end though it turned out to be a pretty special day. I spent time with girlfriends, I received multiple phone calls/texts/cards/facebook messages, and AK spoiled me per usual. 29 was not as bad as I had envisioned and it made me realize one thing....and that is, I will be on a beach somewhere when I turn 30!!!!!

capturing my new road bike AK got for me!!! great gift, however it will be in storage until after the wedding or until after all the snow melts.....and at this rate, the wedding may come first!!!
Shortly after my birthday was my good friend Stephanie's birthday. She went out of her way to celebrate mine, so in true girlfriend fashion you pay it forward. Her fiance Nick and her parents (who were visiting from Chicago) planned a fun little birthday celebration at their home and we drank bubbles and ate fun little apps all night!! It was such a fun night even though mother nature decided to dump monkeys (a.k.a snow a lot) that day. Either way happy birthday to Steph and I'm so glad I have a fabulous birthday buddy!!!

girlfriends at the party!!!
In the midst of all that I took Ruby up to the mountains with her buddy Tommy and Tommy's mom Bridget. Bridget and I have been great friends since I moved out to Colorado, so it's only natural our dogs should be friends as well!! Tom is old and wise and Ruby is young and silly so Tommy I'm sure had had enough by the end, but Ruby had a blast and was exhausted when we got home. Oh and the scenery wasn't bad either!!!

she would not stop running. i bet she ran 8 miles....with that tongue out the whole time!!!

she would not sit for a picture. look how she's pulling away from me!!!

i love her!!!

we tried again but she was too busy playing!!!

climbing, climbing, climbing!!!
Last, but not least, we celebrated St. Patty's Day last weekend and it was a celebration indeed!!! We dusted off our cruisers for the first ride of the year and drank green beer for the better part of the afternoon. I mean afterall AK was made in Ireland and has the shirt to prove it!! ;) The weather wasn't half bad, so we had a pretty good day hanging out with friends and celebrating the Irish heritage!!

kiss me.....i'm iowish!!!! #love!

celebrating meg's irish roots in all green!!!

green beer. yummy!!

AK and micah....all greened out!!!

i'm not sure!!

love these three!!!

group shot!!! so fun starting the day off with best friends!!! and micah is the happiest guy in Denver. look at that smile!!!
AK and I continue to love Denver and enjoy our free time here. We are lucky to be surrounded by beautiful scenery and great friends. The next few months will be crammed with wedding showers, dress fittings, bach parties and much, much more (like AK turning 30!!! shhh!!) so be sure to check back soon and I PROMISE regular updates!!!! First up.....we are headed to Iowa for Easter for our first wedding shower, more wedding planning and to celebrate our Savior!!! Cheers to that!!!!

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