Hellllloooooo!!! Wow, it has been quite a while since I updated this thing we like to call our blog...HA. To be a participant, you actually have to be active, which I have been a big ole slacker. But with good reason. We have been busy, busy, busy with weddings and honeymoons and more weddings!!! All good problems to have. Now, I realize I'm posting about our honeymoon first and many may think that is putting the cart before the horse, but it's only because we don't have personal access to all our wedding photos at this time.....so the wedding post will be to come!! Something to look forward to I guess!! ;)
But with that said, AK and I were lucky enough to have one of the most beautiful wedding days two people could ask for and were so thankful for all the love and support that surrounded us on June 15th. Just an incredible day and when I have more pics to post of the big day, I hope you agree!!!
But here are a few teasers....
the denver girlfriends!!!! |
one of my favorites!!!! |
sunset at dinner!!!! LOVE!!!! |
right before heading to the church!!!! |
Gehrk and I.....dancing the night away!!! |
first dance!!!! |
And after the wedding, comes the honeymoon, so let's talk about that, shall we.....
The honeymoon itself was absolutely one of the best experiences I have ever had start to finish and much needed after the wedding extravaganza!!! We were lucky enough to honeymoon in Turks and Caicos and experienced to many wonderful things the islands had to offer. The pictures below will speak for themselves, but in summary the water was crystal clear, we saw sea turtles on two different occasions, the local people were a delight, we ate the local food, drank the local beer, and relaxed as much as we possibly could. It's hard to summarize 10 amazing days, so I thought I would hit my top 3 experiences....
#1. We stayed at the nicest place I have ever stayed for the first part of our trip and experienced true five star treatment....it was luxurious and I could not ask for more. This place offered incredible service, had a beautiful pool, an amazing beach deck and need I mention the tuna wrap we had every day for lunch!?!? The 4 days there were incredible, and offered just the right amount of beach time, of nap time and of fun time. It was the perfect start to a spectacular honeymoon!!
sunset on the beach deck!!! gorg!!! |
beers, tuna wraps and sun bathing on the beach deck. the view was remarkable and you can't see in the pic, but this seating offered shade for the ginger and sun for me.....perfection!!! :) |
selfie on our deck over looking the pool and the ocean!!! |
we match....unplanned!!! ;) |
the view from our deck. so awesome. |
nap time at the pool!!! i think i slept 36 of the first 48 hours we were there!!! |
not bad!! |
the beach we enjoyed outside our resort!!!! |
sunset silhouette + wine with my love.....so great!!!! |
profile |
more views. |
more views!!!! |
selfie in the lobby mirror!! |
view from the beach deck. |
i'm on the beach deck and AK is in the water....it didn't suck!!! |
i did this almost every morning!!! had to pinch myself often!!! |
#2. We went on a snorkeling excursion through our resort and while the snorkeling was okay, the sights and beaches they let us tour and enjoy were much more appealing to me. They even did a famous person house tour and I'm pretty sure I could have thrown a rock into Oprah's living room...no joke. Along with that, we were made privy to the fact that Miley Cyrus also owns a house in Turks and Caicos, which I just find completely unfair.....she's a kid and clearly I'm an adult!! :) But honestly getting off the beatin path and seeing the intricate beauty, shown to us by locals, was such a treat and we were so lucky to experience something so beautiful!!! I should also mention some of the best snorkeling came right down the beach from the second place we stayed and even lead us to see a sea turtle under water which we were able to swim with for a few minutes. So. Much. Fun!!!!!!!
lovey!!!!! |
getting ready to snorkel!!! |
see what i mean....just keep scrolling down!!! |
natural beauty!!! |
windy??? |
so blue!!!! |
loved it. |
it was like this for miles....the picture do it no justice. |
one of my favs!!! |
surrounded by nothing but blue water. so fun!!! |
my camera wouldn't quit snapping. |
andy exploring the local conch |
our boat for the day. |
the best lunch i've ever had despite the diet coke and the soggiest sandwich ever....private beach, my favorite man, and incredible sights. |
andy loves the ocean and spends lots of time in the water.....a combo of loving sea life and trying to keep that ginger skin cool. |
so incredible. |
we couldn't get enough. |
panoramic. |
#3. On two different days we rented jeeps and did our own exploring. Both days were equally as beautiful, however the first day we did this, we took a fairy to a completely different island and drove on beat up windy roads until we came across one of the most spectacular views I have ever seen....seriously incredible. Look below and you be the judge. On this day we experienced private beaches, solitude and some of the best conch via Daniel's Cafe!!! The second day we did this we took our jeep to the caribean side of the island we were actually staying on and even though the water was beautiful everywhere we went....this water was different....more shallow, we could walk and walk and walk without the water coming above our waist, and the water was so clear, we saw a real life star fish in the sand and two sea turtles swam between us while we frolicked in the water. Both experiences were incredible, which is why I could not pick and had to cluster them into one of my favorites!!!
i nearly jumped out the top of the jeep when we saw this!!! pretty incredible. |
a little place on middle caicos called mudjin harbor!!!! |
we had to hike through a cave to experience the above and below pictures.....totally worth it, even though i look a little terrified. caves are weird. beautiful private beaches with stunning views in the middle of nowhere are not!!!! |
jumping for joy!!! |
atop of the harbor. |
look at that water. |
waves. |
chilling in the warmest ocean water i have ever experienced. |
a little yoga posing. |
daniel's cafe.....with daniel himself guarding the door. great local conch. |
our jeep for the day and the local gas station. most expensive gas ever, but totally worth it. |
AK loves a little jeep riding. |
look at that water. |
a little road construction. i wanted to stop and hook these amateurs up with a guy named Gehrk, but I figured they didn't want a little white American girl telling them what to do. |
cat. |
more views. |
i was giddy with excitement. |
the true harbor. see how it is enclosed in a cave....reminder that the road less traveled is usually worth it. |
follow the yellow brick road.....not in kansas anymore toto |
capturing all angles. |
the view under the cave. |
love this pic of AK |
anniversary date!!!! |
so much fun!!!! |
Day 2 of Jeep Rental....
the Caribbean |
it's a jeep thing!?!? |
AK was in heaven. |
this day we stopped at bugaloos for lunch (another local conch shack) and AK's boy Rasta was shelling the fresh conch right in front of us. it was as fresh as could be. |
the water.....I. WANT. TO. GO. BACK!!!! |
searching for sea creatures. |
we got so good at selfies and camera timers..... |
i couldn't get over all the colors of the water!!! |
my chauffeur. |
toes in the water, booty in the sand.....pretty much fit right in!!!! :) |
A few more worth posting.....
sunset |
i love this photo. |
they served coors light....who knew??? |
we loved the beach. |
leaving middle caicos on the ferry. |
framer! |
complete shade. hahaha. |
ginger skin. |
pretty much every afternoon.....sun for me, shade for my mister accompanied with stunning views and our kindles and fruity drinks. |
last night on the island. |
our view leaving. |
one more. |
one more. |
final sunset. |
last look at the ocean. |
one thing i didn't mention....AK spent a day scuba diving (since he is certified and all) and the pressure got him. looked like he got beat up by his brand new wife, huh??? these eyes are finally better....FINALLY!!!! |
Enjoy the pics above and let the beauty of the Caribbean/Atlantic Ocean speak for itself!!!
I do realize not everyone is lucky enough to enjoy or experience the kind of honeymoon AK and I did and I'm so grateful for that time we had together to celebrate our marriage and reminisce about one of the best days we have ever had!!! I love you AK....so much!!!! Thanks for planning such a fabulous trip. It was so much fun, I'm already looking forward to our first anniversary Euro adventure!!!! :))))