I'm not even going to try and come up with a creative title like I normally do, because I have missed so many events that I now have to summarize them all with the name of the month. So silly that I can't find time, but I really can't!! Between my new job, summer hours (more daylight to be outside), and summer weekend travel....the free time has been minimal my friends. All good reasons, but still doesn't make the blog up to date!
So without making you wait much longer I'm going to TRY and summarize our month thus far by events!!!
Event #1: Rendezvous!!!
What you are thinking is exactly what it was!! The company AK works for pays for an all expense paid weekend for each of their employees and s.o.'s (significant others) to attend this weekend getaway and this year it happened to be located in Galena, IL. I had only driven through Galena, and was excited to check it out as was AK. It happens to be the loveliest little place that is the epitome of a quaint little town. We were put up at the Eagle Ridge Resort and Spa, so we had a condo to ourselves, we were provided with more food and adult beverages than one should have in 2 days, and we had excursions to keep us entertained....AK opted for golf and I opted for the spa. We both won. But anyways this weekend was just amazing. I got to get to know and meet more of the cool people that AK works with along with getting a chance to mingle with their better halves, which in most circumstances were more wives. It really was a lovely weekend and again it was a great escape from the usual hustle bustle of "city life!" And after attending this event, it made me even more proud of AK for working so hard and landing such a great gig with such a great company!!
i love the bright colors!!! |
casino night at rendezvous....the boys were bellied up all night!!! |
big laugh!! |
the cute couple. Miranda+Bryan |
expecting in September....super cute!! |
can't stop laughing!!! |
so pretty! and notice the big tent....yes we were all served a wonderful sit down dinner with unlimited cocktails!! :)) |
Event #2: Meg and Micah return!!!
I'm sure you've read this a few times on and off over the past year, but if not, let me just explain. Our good friends Meghan and Micah got married last summer and following their nuptials they sold their belongings and each packed a back pack and were off for a year of travel/extended honeymooning to Europe/India/New Zealand, etc (yeeah, they are cool). So, after a year away, you can imagine how excited we were for them to land back on U.S. soil, and it just so happens that Meg was driving through Chicago on her way back to Denver so we were the lucky hosts for a night and I was the lucky co-pilot for a wonderful 16 hour drive out West!!! :) I can't complain though, because it was absolutely wonderful to see her and to be able to talk freely without Skype disconnecting us!! It was fun to show her a few of our favorite spots in Chi-town, and it was also fun to return to Denver with her and spend an evening with 3 of the best gals I know. We talked, we laughed, we learned about new love interests, we ate pizza, and we drank more than enough wine all while sitting around on a patio in our sweats and pony tails....#perfectnight!!!!! Meg and Micah we are thrilled for you and your wordly experiences, but we are even more thrilled you are "home" safe and sound!!!
they're baaaackkkk!!!! |
good friends!!! |
highlands street fair....fun! fun! |
faces!!! cute! love these girls! |
Event #3. Boating!!!!
This past weekend we were invited to go boating on Lake Michigan!!! AK has gotten to know a pretty cool dude (who happened to grow up in Iowa....just sayin!) that he works with and I happen to think his wife is as fabulous, if not a little better!! :) Anyhow, they have a boat that they dock on the lake, and they were kind enough to invite us to go with them. I'm not sure if there is anything I enjoy more than being on a boat on a hot summer day and when you're over looking Chicago....it's that much sweeter (believe it or not!). The sights, the lake, the people watching....all of it was fantastic and we enjoyed ourselves immensely and good thing we were well behaved, because we really hope to be invited again!! :)) And the day only confirmed my long term goal of owning a lake house some day!! A girl can dream, right???
boats in the harbor with the city in the background! |
the skyline!! |
a different angle....my personal preference b/c dead center you can see the trump building!!! |
i love this picture! |
also a cool shot as you can see navy pier on the right hand side!! |
As you can tell, our summer is off to a great start and we plan on it continuing!! People weren't kidding when they said "wait until June, Chicago will change for the better!" I will finally admit they are correct. Last Sunday, I'm not sure I would have been anywhere else....believe it or not!! ;))